website pages, sections

hot topic euronews

The project type : professional
My role : UI & UX designer
Duration : 2 years
Date : from novembre 2016 to present

I work as a graphic designer for euronews website on mobile and desktop. My main mission is to develop projects from other services (sales, editorial...) on the web. I improved some pages like the "Hot Topic", some sections, the menu etc.. My UX competence is often useful to improve the user experience.

> See the website :

Article page

I did the analysis of the old article page with clicks tracking and the benchmark of the competitors...

> the comprehensive analysis

analysis article page euronews


wireframes article page euronews


...then I made the wireframes...

...and lastly the graphic design...


design article page euronews


with animation to show how it works.


animationdesign article page euronews

I also designed the programmed article page. analysis article page euronews

For example, I also worked on special event module...

bertran lotth poster affiche

...with the mobile application team on the chatbot...


design article page euronews


animationdesign article page euronews

...and on newsletters.

newsletter commission européenne euronews